Angular Components

Mercy Jemosop
2 min readSep 9, 2021


Deep dive into angular components


If you new to angular you can follow the links below to:

Setup angular in your machine

Understand angular structure and its files

To create a component, verify that you have met the following prerequisites:

  1. You have installed Angular CLI. If not follow the link above ob setup angular.
ng --version

2. Create a new workspace. The below command is used to create a project if you had not created it.

ng new my-app


These are the main building blocks of angular applications. Each component consists of:

  • An HTML template that declares what renders on the page
  • A Typescript class that defines behavior
  • A CSS selector that defines how the component is used in a template
  • Optionally, CSS styles applied to the template

Creating a component using Angular CLI

Step 1: navigate to your project directory

Step 2: Run the command below

ng generate component <component-name>

The command above will create:

  • A folder named after the component
  • A component file, <component-name>.component.ts
  • A template file, <component-name>.component.html
  • A CSS file, <component-name>.component.css
  • A testing specification file, <component-name>.component.spec.ts

Create a component manually.

Source: Angular documentation



Mercy Jemosop
Mercy Jemosop

Written by Mercy Jemosop

Software Developer. I am open to job referrals. connect with me on twitter @kipyegon_mercy