Unit Testing in Java II
Mocking your application in Java
From the previous unit testing blog, we went through some basics of unit testing. Here is a link to my previous blog.
We going to go over some more mockito methods:
@InjectMocks creates mock implementation and additionally injects the dependent mocks that are marked with the annotations @Mock
into it.
Mockito BDD (behavior-driven development) is a style of writing test using //given(setup part),//when( invocation), and //then(readable assert) comments as the primary part of the test body.
public void testList_usingBDD() {
//Given - setup partList<String> mocklist = mock(List.class);
given(mocklist.get(Mockito.anyInt())).willReturn("Mockito");//When - invocation
String string1 = mocklist.get(0);//Then - readable assert
assertThat(string1, is("Mockito"));
It uses given(…)willReturn(..) method in place of when(…)thenReturn(..) method.
- <T>given(T methodCall) method is similar to the when(T methodCall) method, it enables stubbing.
- <T> then(T mock) enables the BDD style verification of mock behavior.
Update the get users method with Specifications and page request
Step 1:
Update the user repository with JpaSpecificationExecutor interface which provides APIs and methods to define Specifications and create Spring Data Jpa Criteria.
Step 2:
Create UserPredicate class which will be used during search and filter when fetching user details. This class implements the specification interface.
step 3: Create a service class for fetching users. To create one service class, remove the UserDataService class and the @override from the methods
public class UserDataServiceImpl{
private final UsersRepository usersRepository;
public Page getUsers(Specification specification, PageRequest pageRequest) {
return usersRepository.findAll(specification,pageRequest);
step 4: Create test cases for getting users
Happy Coding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!